Cafesjian Center for the Arts   »   Education   »   Encounters with Artists

Encounters with Artists

December 03, 2021
“Encounters with Artists” educational project is based on the exhibition, TOMORROW, which is on display at CCA from November 19, 2021 until February 20, 2022. 17 contemporary Armenian artists are featured within the scope of this exhibition. The project is comprised of seven themed encounters with the exhibited artists.  

The artists will conduct encounters in their preferred format – interactive lecture, talk, or a workshop. 

The objective of the project is to present contemporary Armenian artists and their works, as well as the current trends, themes, styles, techniques, and mediums of fine arts. 

“Encounters with Artists” educational project is a wonderful occasion for creating and encouraging a dialogue between young artists and creative teenagers, discovering modern Armenian art and expanding museum education.

Teenagers, aged 14+ can participate in the project. Participation is free, with prior registration. 

For information and registration, please call (+374) 10 54-19-32/34.

You can also visit our YouTube Channel

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